2 worlds
Two worlds... Two Different worlds...
Picture two worlds,
one filled with the light
and warmth of joy,
the other filled with
darkness and disaster,
which is no place for
any girl or boy.
In comfort,they toast
in front of their fires,
while the rest suffer
under the extreme,raging weathers.
They feast like kings as if
there is no tomorrow,
while the othere have
nothing to eat,
except their sorrows...
Picture two worlds,
one filled with the light
and warmth of joy,
the other filled with
darkness and disaster,
which is no place for
any girl or boy.
In comfort,they toast
in front of their fires,
while the rest suffer
under the extreme,raging weathers.
They feast like kings as if
there is no tomorrow,
while the othere have
nothing to eat,
except their sorrows...