Wednesday, April 09, 2008

M v B

Whenever i sense your presence,
my mind can never be at ease,
due to the chaos caused by emotions,
which never seem to cease.

Theres even a war erupting in myself,
which end result could be catastrophic,
though ironically the topic at hand,
is really stupid and rather pathetic.

The topic that i speak of is love,
which poses a threat to every being,
but nonetheless its of upmost importance,
for its a neccessity for the living.

Everything seems to contradict each other,
dont you agree so?
but these are the spices of life,
this is what we are living for.

What do u think is the solution?
when a heart disagrees with ones mind?
for the heart continue to persist,
but the mind wants to decline.

Will you give me a chance,
to prove myself worthy,
of your companionship?
or will you just let me be?

One things for sure is...
I live a life of unmatched sobriety,
its most likely that,
loneliness is how i will gain my notoriety.